#WCGTC13 #IYGC – Megan Foley Nicpon PhD – Speaking on Twice Exceptional Children, Raises a Kite for Giftedness and Creativity

Welcome to the WCGTC KITE SITE!- Raising Awareness on Giftedness, Talent and Creativity Worldwide, we hope you enjoy reading the first of  a number of guest blog posts by individuals who will be presenting and or attending the 20th World Conference in Kentucky- Celebrating Giftedness and Creativity and Flying their kites for awareness..

Dr. Megan Foley Nipcon

Dr. Megan Foley Nipcon

Megan Foley Nicpon, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Counseling Psychology Program Licensed Psychologist and Research Consultant,

Belin-Blank Center- University of Iowa, USA

Department of Psychological and Quantitative Foundations

 N361 Lindquist Center -Iowa City, IA 52242

This August, I am honored to be presenting at the WCGTC 20TH Biennial World Conference.  being held in Louisville, Kentucky. This conference provides an opportunity for gifted education leaders worldwide to join in discussing best practice, promoting new ideas, and sharing cutting-edge research. It is also the main event for the International Year of Giftedness and Creativity. This is an exciting time to be a gifted educator and advocate, and Louisville is the place to be!

 The focus of my Keynote Presentation is on Twice-exceptional students, or Gifted students with co-existing disabilities.

Researchers have shown that gifted educators in the US are becoming more familiar with the concept of twice-exceptionality, but understanding outside the field is scant. Additionally, we know less about how familiar people are with twice-exceptionality worldwide. It is my goal to share insights from my extensive research and clinical experience with identification of and intervention with twice-exceptional individuals. Through this sharing and open dialogue, it is my hope that attendees will gain deeper knowledge about the challenges twice-exceptional students face, learn practical strategies about how to optimize talent domains, and discover accommodations that work to facilitate positive educational and personal experiences for this exceptional group of learners.

 My presentation is only one of several diverse options for attendees. For example, worldwide leaders will be discussing topics such as social capital and leadership skills for gifted students, developing creativity and creative minds, and identifying giftedness in light of various cultural definitions and political contexts. The options are countless for the eager learner and inquisitive mind.

 I am thrilled to be speaking at the WCGTC World Conference this August, 2013. I hope you join me at this exciting conference, during this exciting time for gifted education worldwide.  Come fly your kite with us!

Paint on tile kites- by members of the Thomas Family

Paint on tile kites- by members of the Thomas Family

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1 Response to #WCGTC13 #IYGC – Megan Foley Nicpon PhD – Speaking on Twice Exceptional Children, Raises a Kite for Giftedness and Creativity

  1. Dr. Leonie Kronborg, Monash University, Victoria, Australia says:

    I am looking forward to meet up with you again Megan. I believe you are doing some leading research on twice-exceptional children, of which people need to be more aware!!

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